In the Shoes of Lautmann, Deceased: The Hidden Perspective of “The Shop on the Main Street” by Kadár and Klos

Iwona Sowińska
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Ladislav Grosman’s novel entitled The Shop on the Main Street is often mistakenly considered to be the literary prototype for Ján Kadár and Elmar Klos film of the same title. In fact it was the little known short story by the same author The trap that the film was based on. The film is usually interpreted as a warning against the illusory comfort of not reacting to evil. This story in turn obscures another story: one about a transformation, about a man abandoning his dysfunctional “Aryan” family, and establishing a new Jewish one, not literally, but figuratively. This theme was absent from the original story. In the first part of the text Sowińska analyses this in detail, in order to justify her thesis on the hidden perspective of the film in the second part of the article. She draws her arguments from the organisation and a sudden disruption of the visual and sound layers of the film that reveal the trauma of the genocide.


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Cited by

Sowińska, I. (2015) “In the Shoes of Lautmann, Deceased: The Hidden Perspective of ‘The Shop on the Main Street’ by Kadár and Klos”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (89-90), pp. 240–253. doi: 10.36744/kf.2338.


Iwona Sowińska
Jagiellonian University Poland

Dr hab., adiunkt w Instytucie Kultury na Wydziale Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; autorka artykułów dotyczących historii i teorii filmu, kina współczesnego, muzyki filmowej; współredaktor naukowy i współautorka Historii kina (2009 i 2011). Opublikowała książki: Dźwięki i obrazy. O słuchaniu filmów (2001), Historia polskiej mu­zyki filmowej 1945-1968 (2006), Chopin idzie do kina (2013) pracę poświęconą filmowym biografiom kompozytora.


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