Women Prisoners and Politics: Wanda Jakubowska’s “The Last Stage” and Other Labor Camp Films in the Perspective of Gender Studies on the Holocaust
Monika Talarczyk-Gubała
kwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.plThe Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź (Poland)
The article places The Last Stage in the midst of these film testimonies and representations of which revisionist reinterpretation produces interesting outcomes in the area of gender studies. The author analyses two films for which Jakubowska’s work served as an iconographic model: Stanisław Różewicz’s Three Women (1956) and Andrzej Munk’s The Passenger (1963). Talarczyk-Gubała considers the Three Women to be a polemic with Jakubowska’s film and her views on the indestructible bond between former prisoners. The author points to the left wing views shared by the directors, grounded in Polish socialist tradition and the ambivalence inscribed in the image of the SS overseer in the creation of Aleksandra Śląska. The analysis of the intertextual relationship between the first feature film about concentration camps and the films that refer to it indicates that both in the beginning and towards the end of the Polish film school, Jakubowska’s work was a non-negotiable starting point for Polish films on labour camps.
gender studies, Wanda Jakubowska, HolocaustReferences
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Monika Talarczyk-Gubałakwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
The Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź Poland
Dr hab., prof. nadzw. PWSFTviT na Wydziale Organizacji Sztuki Filmowej, historyczka kina i badaczka kina kobiet; autorka monografii PRL się śmieje. Polska komedia filmowa 1945-1989 (2007) oraz książek Filmy Barbary Sass a kino kobiet w drugiej połowie XX wieku (2013), Biały mazur. Kino kobiet w polskiej kinematografii (2014), Wanda Jakubowska. Od nowa (2015). Laureatka Nagrody Polskiego Instytutu Sztuki Filmowej (2014). Członkini Polskiego Towarzystwa Kulturoznawczego i Stowarzyszenia Kobiet Filmowców.
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