Polish “Camerons”

Monika Talarczyk-Gubała

The Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź (Poland)


Talarczyk-Gubała reviews the book by Małgorzata Radkiewicz Modernistki o kinie. Kobiety w polskiej krytyce i publicystyce filmowej 1918-1939 [Modernists on Cinema: Women in Polish Film Criticism and Journalism 1918-1939] (2016). At the outset, she notes that the researcher has for years consistently enriched Polish film studies with publication dealing with the women’s arts and cinema, the theory and practice of film feminism and gender studies. The reviewer details the structure of the book and presents its key thesis. She points out that the title modernist women are modern intellectuals and cinema afi- cionados engaged in academia and film studies, but that they also entered amateur relationships with film, which was manifested in their cinematic activity. Talarczyk-Gubała points out that the most inte­resting fragments of the book deal with the relations between the modernists. Małgorzata Radkiewicz was able to find among press releases and other archival documents evidence of social contacts between writers, critics and women in cinema, for example between Stefania Zahorska, Franciszka Themerson and Maria Kuncewicz. In conclusion, the reviewer states that in opening the latest book by Małgorzata Radkiewicz, we open the Polish archive on the interwar period.


Małgorzata Radkiewicz, interwar period, modernism, women's cinema

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Cited by

Talarczyk-Gubała, M. (2017) “Polish ‘Camerons’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (99), pp. 217–222. doi: 10.36744/kf.2050.


Monika Talarczyk-Gubała 
The Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź Poland

Dr hab., prof. PWSFTviT w Łodzi na Wydziale Organizacji Sztuki Filmowej; historyczka kina i badaczka kina kobiet. Autorka monografii PRL się śmieje! Polska komedia filmowa 1945-1989 (2007), Wszystko o Ewie. Filmy Barbary Sass a kino kobiet w drugiej połowie XX wieku (2013), Biały mazur. Kino kobiet w polskiej ki­nematografii (2013), Wanda Jakubowska. Od nowa (2015). Laureatka Nagrody PISF (2014), nomino­wana do Nagrody im. Bolesława Michałka (2014, 2016). Współpracowniczka „Krytyki Politycznej”, działaczka Stowarzyszenia Kobiet Filmowców.


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