Studies on History: Radu Jude’s Brechtian Films

Paweł Biliński
University of Gdańsk (Poland)


The article focuses on the work of the Romanian film director Radu Jude, who continued to examine historical topics after completing Aferim! in 2015. The author presents basic concepts of the historical film (with reference to William Guynn’s and Robert Rosenstone’s findings) and gives a brief overview of the dominant aesthetics and narratives of Romanian films produced in the 21st century. In this context, the author analyzes I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians (Îmi este indiferent daca în istorie vom intra ca barbari, 2018) and Uppercase Print (Tipografic Majuscul, 2020) – two feature films in which Jude refers to Bertolt Brecht’s theory and updates the poetics of modernist cinema. By focusing on historical issues, as analyzed with the use of reflexive modes of storytelling, Jude tries not to follow the thematic tendencies of recent Romanian cinema.


Radu Jude, Romania, Bertolt Brecht, reconstruction, distancing effect, intertextuality

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Cited by

Biliński, P. (2021) “Studies on History: Radu Jude’s Brechtian Films”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (115), pp. 128–150. doi: 10.36744/kf.863.


Paweł Biliński
University of Gdańsk Poland

Assistant Professor at the Film and Media Department at the University of Gdansk. Author of a doctoral dissertation on the reflexivity in Polish cinema. In 2012-2019, he was responsible for film education at “Klub Żak” cultural centre. He was one of the founders and editors of the YouTube online channel “Amatorzy TV”. He is a regular collaborator of Ekrany magazine. He co-edited the book Orson Welles. Twórczość – recepcja – dziedzictwo [Orson Welles: Creativity – Reception – Heritage] (2016). He published, among others, in Studia Filmoznawcze, Bliza, Lampa, Panoptikum, and in edited volumes.



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