“Between the Years of Yore and Younger Years” – (Neo)Animistic and (Neo)Pagan Tropes in Polish Cinema
Magdalena Podsiadło-Kwiecień
magdalena.podsiadlo-kwiecien@uj.edu.plJagiellonian University (Poland)
The perspective of new animism offers an approach to the subjectivity and the relation between nature and culture, the human and non-human, as well as the animate and the inanimate, that differs from the one founded on the Judeo-Christian tradition. Marginal in Polish culture, this current can be found in film representations of paganism that nevertheless lend it the status of a repressed phenomenon or one tamed by the context of Christianity. The authors of contemporary Polish films that refer to this tradition look for an alternative to a world that is hierarchical, dualistic and based on an anthropocentric model. They connect with paganism though their egalitarian attitude towards animals (Agnieszka Holland’s Spoor), respect for the agency of plants (Agnieszka Holland’s Charlatan), belief in spirits beyond the Christian context (Małgorzata Szumowska’s Never Gonna Snow Again and Body), awareness of the natural environment (Katarzyna Klimkiewicz and Dominga Sotomayor Castillos’s La Isla) or reference to tribal cultures (Zbigniew Libera’s Walser). At the same time, these works re-evaluate said tradition, treating it as a “rescue perspective” in the face of the current civilizational crisis.
animism, paganism, Polish cinema, abjectReferences
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Magdalena Podsiadło-Kwiecieńmagdalena.podsiadlo-kwiecien@uj.edu.pl
Jagiellonian University Poland
Graduate in Polish Philology and Film Studies at the Jagiellonian University; she works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Polish Film History of the Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University. She authored the book Autobiografizm filmowy jako ślad podmiotowej egzystencji [Autobiographism in Cinema as a Trace of Individual Existence] (2013) and co-edited the volumes Kino polskie jako kino transnarodowe [Polish Cinema as a Transnational Cinema] (2017) and Przygoda kina [Cinema as Adventure] (2019). She published in the journals Kwartalnik Filmowy and Kultura i Historia, and in collective volumes.
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