Early Cinema Period in Lower Silesia

Andrzej Dębski

University of Wroclaw, Willy Brandt Centre (Poland)


The article deals with early cinema in Lower Silesia, in particular the first film screenings in 1896, the operation of travelling cinemas, the establishment of fixed cinemas, and the transition from ‘number programs’ (consisting of multiple one-act films) to programs based on multi-act film with an accompanying program. The focus is on small towns in Lower Silesia, as the metropolis of Wroclaw has been discussed elsewhere. The article shows, among other things, that in Lower Silesia cinematography quickly spread in small towns – already in 1896 films were shown in several towns, and Namyslow, with a population of six thousand, where a cinema opened in 1912, switched to multi-act film screenings in the same year.

Supporting Agencies

The article was written as a part of the project financed by the National Science Center (decision no. DEC-2013/09/D/HS2/00553).


early cinema, first film screenings, travelling cinemas, first fixed cinemas, number program, multi-act films, Lower Silesia, Germany

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Cited by

Dębski, A. (2020) “Early Cinema Period in Lower Silesia”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (110), pp. 187–204. doi: 10.36744/kf.358.


Andrzej Dębski 
University of Wroclaw, Willy Brandt Centre Poland

PhD, co-worker of the Willy Brandt Centre at the University of Wroclaw. He managed the projects “Polish and German Cinema on the Borderland of Cultures” (2010-2015) and “History of Cinema in Lower Silesia until 1945” (2014-2019). Author of the books Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918 [History of Cinema in Wroclaw in 1896-1918] (2009) and Nowoczesność, rozrywka, propaganda. Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1919-1945 [Modernity, Entertainment, Propaganda: History of Cinema in Wroclaw in 1919-1945] (2019). Co-editor of volumes devoted to the history of cinema in Wroclaw, Wroclaw film directors (Stanisław Lenartowicz, Sylwester Chęciński), and Polish-German film relations, as well as an anthology on early cinema.


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