Cinema and Harshness of Reality

Waldemar Frąc
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Reality in cinema can be considered its fulfillment (in the causal sort of way), and at the same time the impossibility of its fulfillment (within the teleological framework). This notion is confirmed by the variety of film realisms that exist, and also within a more general, aesthetic perspective by the susceptibility of realism to ideological appropriation. The fulfillment of reality in cinema is above all tied up with its anthropological consequences: a meaningful experience of film within existence marked by lack of teleology and the contemplation of the world as an element of understanding and taming of reality. At the same time the impossibility of the fulfillment of cinema in the reality is associated with the ability to overcome the sharpness or harshness of reality, which also addresses an important anthropological need.


anthropology, realism, representation

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Cited by

Frąc, W. (2011) “Cinema and Harshness of Reality”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (75-76), pp. 63–67. doi: 10.36744/kf.2880.


Waldemar Frąc
Jagiellonian University Poland

Absolwent filmoznawstwa i fi­lozofii UJ, adiunkt w Zakładzie Teorii Filmu In­stytutu Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ, członek redakcji czasopisma Komitetu Nauk o Kulturze PAN „Przegląd Kulturoznawczy”. Opublikował: Kino możliwe (2003) oraz artykuły w „Kwartal­niku Filmowym”, „Principiach”, „Przeglądzie Kulturoznawczym”, „Ethosie” i in.


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