Looping, or the Ecstasy of Repetition
The article is devoted to one of the most prolific methods of working with image - namely looping. The author considers three types of looping: looping based on the Enlightenment concept of encyclopaedic ordering using the „moving classification”, looping as a rhythmic accumulation of repetitive elements according to the principle of intensification and density, and looping as an abstract form based on trance. The guiding and organising principle of looping strategy is move- ment. In the first instance the collection of odd moments creates a series of cinematographic encyclopaedia. Whereas density, by referring to Freud’s Verdichtung, manages the principle of repetition, that appears in many configurations in films such as Piece Touchee. In open looping based on trance and abstraction the accent falls on the process. The selectiveness contained in a series of phrases of looping makes it possible to appreciate the image in an abstract, none-image based dimensions.
looping, repetition, loopReferences
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Aleksandra Hirszfeldkwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
University of Warsaw Poland
Freelancerka działająca w obszarze praktyk artystycznych i teorii sztuki nowych mediów, filozofka i animatorka kultury. W 2011 r. obroniła w Instytucie Filozofii UW doktorat poświęcony roli kategorii powtórzenia w kulturze współczesnej. Realizuje własne projekty z pogranicza instalacji, sound artu oraz obiektów.
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