“Everything Terrible Is Something That Needs Our Love”: The Post-Humanist ‘Other’ in the (Post)Secular Understanding. (The Contribution)

Joanna Sarbiewska

University of Gdańsk (Poland)


The author, using the example of the analysis of the film White God (2014) by Kornel Mundruczó, proposes a (post)secular interpretation of post-humanism. In this approach, at stake is the understanding of non-identity (difference) not in the perspective of religious/anthropocentric chauvinism (rightly criticized by post-humanists), but in the perspective of kenosis: as a transcendence/transgression of the limits of one’s subjectivity, regardless of its attributes: Bios or Zoe, and true opening to the Other. The gesture of kenosis would thus be a deconstruction of both the process of “exclusion” and “oikoization” (familiarization) of the Other (unheimlich). The affirmation of the Other, constituting itself in the act of ontological Love, establishes as conditions the abandonment of the attitude of appropriation and the ecstatic emerging “beyond oneself”. In author’s opinion, the recognition of the equality of modes of existence of human and non-human beings, in accordance with the postulate of post-humanism, should meet with the (post)secular affirmation of the inscrutability of (each) Other.


Kornel Mundruczó, postsekularyzm, posthumanism, Other, identity, difference

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Cited by

Sarbiewska, J. (2018) “‘Everything Terrible Is Something That Needs Our Love’: The Post-Humanist ‘Other’ in the (Post)Secular Understanding. (The Contribution)”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (101-102), pp. 197–202. doi: 10.36744/kf.1954.


Joanna Sarbiewska 
University of Gdańsk Poland

Adiunkt w Katedrze Wie­dzy o Filmie i Kulturze Audiowizualnej Instytutu Badań nad Kulturą Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; zajmuje się filozofią kultury, filmu i sztuki me­diów w perspektywie postsekularnej. Autorka książki Ontologia i estetyka filmowych obrazów Wernera Herzoga (2014) oraz kilkunastu artyku­łów naukowych. Scenarzystka i reżyserka etiudy filmowej Oglądy, opartej na motywach opowia­dania Pokój Jean-Paula Sartre’a. W latach 2012­-2014 wiceprezes Pomorskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficzno-Teologicznego; prezes gdańskiego oddziału Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań nad Fil­mem i Mediami.


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