A Bodiless Enemy

Rafał Marszałek

Collegium Civitas (Poland)


The following is the text of Rafał Marszałek’s address during the international conference on “The Warsaw Uprising in the Context of Polish-German Relations” (Warsaw, 30 March – 1 April, 2007). Marszałek argues that there is no room for an “absolute enemy” in the selected works by Andrzej Wajda, Kazimierz Kutz and Andrzej Munk of the so-called “Polish Film School” and that the films are free of the hatred to the Germans as invaders and occupiers. What emerge from the films are a toothless enemy and then a bodiless enemy. The thesis is exemplified in Canal – the death of the Warsaw insurgents is portrayed in a symbolic language; in Ostinato lugubre, the second part of Eroica, in which the Germans (as enemy) are not the demonic personification of oppression; in The Dog (part of Cross of Valor) – the hero saves the life of the dog guarding inmates at an Auschwitz death camp; in Lotna, one of few war films in the history of cinema that does without the character of a (German) enemy. Marszałek points out that the “dematerialization” of the enemy flows from the special (both psychological and moral) instinct of self-preservation rather than forgiveness. [originally published in Polish in Kwartalnik Filmowy 2007, no. 57-58, pp. 40-45]


World War II, Warsaw Uprising, Andrzej Wajda, Kazimierz Kutz, Andrzej Munk

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Cited by

Marszałek, R. (2013) “A Bodiless Enemy”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (Special Issue), pp. 31–36. doi: 10.36744/kf.1892.


Rafał Marszałek 
Collegium Civitas Poland

Film critic and historian, author of books of film criticism: Nowy film angielski [New English Film] (1968), Powtórka z życia [A Replay of Life] (1970), Pamflet na kino codzienne [A Pamphlet on Everyday Life] (1974), Kamień w wodę [A Stone Down the Well] (1980), and volumes on film history: Polska wojna w obcym filmie [Polish War in Foreign Film] (1976), Filmowa pop-historia [Film Pop-History] (1984), Kino rzeczy znalezionych [Cinema of the Lost and Found] (2006); Scientific Editor of the 5th and 6th volume of Historia filmu polskiego [History of Polish Film] (1985, 1994), co-author of the 6th volume. He teaches at Collegium Civitas (Warsaw) and the Film Academy, scientific consultant of the Academy of Polish Film.


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