Video Essay, or From Chris Marker to Fandor: The History of the Rise of a Certain Audiovisual Form That Emerged From Cinephilia

Grażyna Świętochowska
University of Gdańsk (Poland)


Video essays can be considered as a performative act of the cultural and technological emancipation of the recipient. Its competence is determined not only by the ability to perceive and collect (memorise) images, but above all by the accumulated cultural capital. To create a video essay one needs the ability to express an individual position using publicly available editing programs. This is only a stage in the transmission of content to micro-communities based on some pact, increasingly more often transcending towards non-partisan specialist circuits (e.g. video-exchange as a replacement-equivalent of the paper, not only in the physical absence of the author at the scientific conference, but also in substitution for the traditional “speech”), prestigious events (events organized around video essays as part of first-league film festivals) and events fulfilling the role of an “external” tutor (workshops, courses or seminars).


Chris Marker, video essay, Fandor

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Cited by

Świętochowska, G. (2018) “Video Essay, or From Chris Marker to Fandor: The History of the Rise of a Certain Audiovisual Form That Emerged From Cinephilia”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (104), pp. 6–23. doi: 10.36744/kf.1854.


Grażyna Świętochowska
University of Gdańsk Poland

Dr, adiunkt w Katedrze Wiedzy o Filmie i Kulturze Audiowizualnej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Interesuje się kulturą audiowizualną Europy Centralnej, wideoeseistyką i filmem interaktywnym. Przygotowuje książkę České vynálezy. Wybrane aspekty kina czeskiego i słowackiego z lat 60. Redaktorka naczelna czasopisma naukowego „Panoptikum”.


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