Thinking through Film, or a Revision of the Romantic Paradigm
Magdalena Podsiadło-Kwiecień University (Poland)
The article is a review of Krzysztof Kopczyński’s book Paradygmat polskiego romantyzmu w uniwersum filmowym [The Paradigm of Polish Romanticism in the World of Film] (2021). The work aims to offer an updated reading of the Polish Romantic paradigm, avoiding its reduction to patriotic and national dimensions. The author seeks inspiration in European Romanticism in order to inquire into typical issues of High Romanticism, which concern the questions of cognition, the leading role of art, individualism, the philosophy of existence, epistemology, and the philosophy of history. He then presents theoretical positions that view film art as a mode of philosophical expression, citing concepts proposed by Gilles Deleuze, Stanley Cavell, Robert Sinnerbrink, Daniel Frampton, and others. These authors become advocates of the proposition that film can be a means of reflection in a manner akin to the work of philosophers. Following this argument, Kopczyński starts from the abundance of thought contained in the Romantic paradigm’s hidden part, which allows him to penetrate the meaning of the analysed films as well as indicate that cinema can transform this pattern and changing its role in culture.
romantic paradigm, polish cinema, philosophy of existenceReferences
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Magdalena Podsiadło-Kwiecień
Jagiellonian University Poland
Graduate in Polish Philology and Film Studies at the Jagiellonian University; she works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Polish Film History of the Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University. She authored the book Autobiografizm filmowy jako ślad podmiotowej egzystencji [Autobiographism in Cinema as a Trace of Individual Existence] (2013) and co-edited the volumes Kino polskie jako kino transnarodowe [Polish Cinema as a Transnational Cinema] (2017) and Przygoda kina [Cinema as Adventure] (2019). She published in the journals Kwartalnik Filmowy and Kultura i Historia, and in collective volumes.
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