In Cold Blood. Experiential Dimension of „Zapis zbrodni” by Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki

Robert Dudziński
University of Wrocław (Poland)


The subject of this article is the 1972 film Zapis zbrodni (Criminal Records) by Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki, based on a true story of two teenagers (Konstanty Feder and Janusz Dębiński), who, in 1972, murdered and robbed two men, having chosen them at random as their victims. The author endeavours to describe the communication situation created by the director, and the affective and emotional impact of the film on the viewer. To this end, he analyses the narrative aspect of Zapis zbrodni, the profiles of the main protagonists, and the sensual and bodily dimension of the film. Studying these aspects of the work of Trzos-Rastawiecki in more detail makes it possible to observe that the picture of crime presented in the film goes beyond our stereotypical thinking and perception of juvenile lawbreakers. Thus, Zapis zbrodni does not offer a simple answer to the question “why did the murder happen?”. Instead, the film asks many questions, giving the viewers an emotional impulse to look at the entire case carefully and to rethink it. This is because Trzos-Rastawiecki signals that the personal, ethical and social dimensions of the story of two teenage murderers are definitely more complex than it might seem to us at first glance.


▪ The sentence on page 202 says: W 1973 r. pierwszy został skazany na 25 lat więzienia, a drugi – na karę śmierci.

It should say: W 1973 r. pierwszy został skazany na karę śmierci, a drugi – na 25 lat więzienia.

▪ The sentence on page 204 says: Pierwszy opowiada o sprawcach: Kazku Reduskim (filmowy odpowiednik Federa) i Bogdanie Wronie (filmowy odpowiednik Dębińskiego)…

It should say: Pierwszy opowiada o sprawcach: Kazku Reduskim (filmowy odpowiednik Dębińskiego) i Bogdanie Wronie (filmowy odpowiednik Federa)…


Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki, true crime films, affectivity of spectatorship

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Cited by

Dudziński, R. (2020) “In Cold Blood. Experiential Dimension of „Zapis zbrodni” by Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (111), pp. 199–220. doi: 10.36744/kf.404.


Robert Dudziński
University of Wrocław Poland

PhD; he works at the Department of Theory of Culture and Performing Arts at the Institute of Polish Philology of the University of Wrocław. In 2019, he defended his doctorate on Polish popular literature of the 1950s. Author of the monograph Produkcje sensacyjno-kryminalne Telewizji Polskiej 1965-1989. Konwencje – motywy – konteksty [Action and Crime Story Productions by State Broadcaster Telewizja Polska in the Years 1965-1989: Conventions – Motives – Contexts] (2018); co-author of Leksykon (mniej znanych) filmów wampirycznych [The Lexicon of (Lesser Known) Vampire Films] (2018). His research interests include history of Polish popular literature, history of Polish film, history and theory of the genre cinema. 


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