Holly“Wooden Heart”: Elvis Presley’s Film Career

Joanna Stacewicz

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


During his life Elvis Presley played in over 30 films. His first films from the second half of the fifties looked promising. The films fitted well with the then popular genre of films dealing with young rebels, and Presley was being groomed to take the place of James Dean. However a combination of factors prevented this plan from coming to completion and changed the path of his career. Soon a model of an Elvis movie was developed - that is a film with a predictable story and wooden characters, a film that was far below the standard of the early films with Elvis. This series of banal music comedies unfortunately came to represent his entire acting career. Many of these productions are now being reconsidered, and research into his career has shown that Elvis could have taken part in many excellent films, but was prevented from doing so by his manager.


Elvis Presley, rock and roll, Hollywood

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Cited by

Stacewicz, J. (2009) “Holly‘Wooden Heart’: Elvis Presley’s Film Career”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (66), pp. 108–126. doi: 10.36744/kf.3139.


Joanna Stacewicz 
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Absolwentka historii sztuki na UW; doktorantka w IS PAN.


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