Charlie in Inkipo: Chaplin According to the First Avant-Garde
Artists from the sphere of the First Avant-Garde perceived Chaplin’s creation of Charlie through the prism of their own worldview and aesthetics. They saw in his films meanings that went beyond comedy, and that were rather an interpretation of deeper philosophical problems. The adventures of the tramp were a metaphor for the dilemmas faced by the contemporary human being - reified and degraded by civilization gripped by the idea of modernizing projects. According to those interpretations Charlie was a humanist, an anarchist, and a trickster, that with the help of subversive strategies revealed the absurd of social and cultural convention.
Charlie Chaplin, trickster, first avant-gardeReferences
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Aleksander Wó
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Poland
Adiunkt w Zakładzie Literatury Współczesnej Instytutu Filologii Polskiej UMCS. Autor monografii „Cogito” i „sejsmograf podświadomości”. Proza Pierwszej Awangardy (w druku).
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