Orpheus and Eurydice at Marienbad

Kamil Kościelski

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)


The opinion that Last Year at Marienbad is one of the most experimental films in the history of the cinema is no doubt influenced by the unusual narrative of the work by Alain Resnais. The construction of the work is not the only intriguing aspect of the picture. The peculiar atmosphere of Marienbad, together with certain elements of staging, remind one of Georges Sadoul’s interpretation of the film through the prism of the myth of Orpheus. Analysis of the motif of the mirror and reflection on the work of Lewis Carroll allow one to show Last Year at Marienbad in relation to literary and film traditions. The way the symbolism of the mirror functions in the work of Resnais might be compared to Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus, low budget horrors and Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko. All these contexts serve to add to Sadoul’s interpretation, which is of great importance to the meaning of the nature of time that reigns in the world of Marienbad - the key problem of the whole article.


Alain Resnais, Georges Sadoul, mirror, Lewis Carroll

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Cited by

Kościelski, K. (2014) “Orpheus and Eurydice at Marienbad”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (86), pp. 76–91. doi: 10.36744/kf.2415.


Kamil Kościelski 
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Poland

Absolwent filmoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Pozna­niu. Obecnie doktorant Uniwersytetu Wrocław­skiego, gdzie pod kierunkiem prof. Tadeusza Szczepańskiego przygotowuje rozprawę poświę­coną Lśnieniu Stanleya Kubricka. Autor książki „ Cóż za wspaniały dzień na egzorcyzm... ”. Ame­rykańskie kino grozy przełomu lat 60. i 70. oraz artykułów opublikowanych w „Journal of Scandinavian Cinema” i „Przestrzeniach Teorii”.


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