Towards New Sincerity: Conceptualisation of Sensibility Transformations in New Polish Cinema
Łukasz Kiełpiński
kielpinski.lukasz@gmail.comUniversity of Warsaw (Poland)
The article is an attempt to transplant the category of New Sincerity, which originates from Anglo-Saxon literary studies, to the reflection on the changes in recent Polish cinema. The author's diagnoses are discussed in the context of new trends in the humanities and arts in order to answer the question how Polish cinema is positioned in relation to them. Using the examples of such films as Cicha noc (Silent Night, dir. Piotr Domalewski, 2017), Zabij to i wyjedź z tego miasta (Kill It and Leave This Town, dir. Mariusz Wilczyński, 2019) and Wszystkie nasze strachy (All Our Fears, dir. Łukasz Ronduda, Łukasz Gutt, 2021), the author tries to show the filmmakers' growing interest in such affective dispositions of the protagonists of the movies as sensitivity, vulnerability, and care. The proposed understanding of New Sincerity in the context of Polish cinema refers to films by directors who share the conviction, present in the Polish public debate, about the social polarisation and crisis of community, and at the same time offer a different – reparative and hopeful – model of relationality.
New Sincerity, affect theory, contemporary Polish cinemaReferences
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Łukasz Kiełpiń
University of Warsaw Poland
Graduate of the College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw. Member of Collegium Invisibile. He has published in different magazines: Kwartalnik Filmowy, Widok. Teorie i Praktyki Kultury Wizualnej, Ekrany and Pleograf. Kwartalnik Akademii Polskiego Filmu. He is interested in contemporary cinema, affect theory and autobiography studies.
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