Richard Boleslavsky: Recent Findings

Marek Kulesza
independent researcher (Poland)


The paper reports on recent findings regarding the biography of Richard Boleslavsky, a director of world renown. Research done in American, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish archives finally determined the place of his birth (Mohylów Podolski, present-day Mogiliv Podil’skij in the Ukraine), the date (February 4, 1889), and his single given name: Ryszard. The research identified the actual timeframe of Boleslavsky’s military service during World War I: he served as a cavalry officer in the Russian Army from October 1915 until May 1917. The paper offers original insights into Boleslavsky’s first assignments in Hollywood, i.e. his directing work for Joseph P. Kennedy and Gloria Swanson. His American wife Norma Drury and their son Jan Boleslawski worked in Hollywood movie and TV industry until 1960s. Finally, the author propounds an in-depth study on the worldwide appreciation of Boleslavsky’s essential writings on the art of acting.


Richard Boleslavsky, film directing, Hollywood, military service, family

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Cited by

Kulesza, M. (2021) “Richard Boleslavsky: Recent Findings”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (115), pp. 216–238. doi: 10.36744/kf.845.


Marek Kulesza
independent researcher Poland

Ph.D. at the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw (1985). Area of interest: history of performing arts, including Polish-American and Polish-Russian artistic relations. He authored a book on Richard Boleslavsky. His papers were published i.a. in Film, Kino, Film na Świecie, Pamiętnik Teatralny, and Film & TV Kamera.


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