Svalbard in Polish Films from 1930s

Jacek Szymala
University of Wrocław (Poland)

Andrei Rogatchevski

UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway)


Polish documentary films about Svalbard have been associated with polar research, conducted by Poles on a regular basis since the 1930s. Since then, over 30 films have been made. In their paper, the authors focus on the film reportage of the first Polish expedition to the island of Spitsbergen from 1934: Do Ziemi Torella (To Torell Land), which was found in 2019, digitized, translated into English and subtitled. They also discuss Polish experiences on the Bear Island and in Northern waters, briefly shown in Wyspa mgieł i wichrów (The Isle of Fogs and Winds) and Wśród mórz Arktyki (In Arctic Seas), both from 1937. Earlier, Polish Spitsbergen research was limited to natural sciences. They propose to approach it from the perspective of visual history side; then, the analysed films become historical sources – both in the direct and indirect sense (primary and secondary sources). Polish films about Spitsbergen can function as sources for the history of science, for landscape changes, for the history of civilization, polar research, etc. Of course, they also say a great deal about the propaganda and the image of the Arctic in Polish historiography of a given period. The article is a kind of provisional report on a broader project of (re-)discovering and sharing these films.


Svalbard, Arctic, visual history

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Cited by

Szymala, J. and Rogatchevski, A. (2020) “Svalbard in Polish Films from 1930s”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (112), pp. 161–180. doi: 10.36744/kf.496.


Jacek Szymala
University of Wrocław Poland

PhD, cultural historian, recently dealing with the performative aspect of computer games and the history of Polish polar expeditions. Author of the books Film – Historia – Turystyka [Film – History – Tourism] (2016), Powstanie kozackie 1648-1658. Studium z historii wizualnej [The Cossack Uprising 1648-1658: A Study in Visual History] (2019), Dolny Śląsk i ziemia lubuska w filmach polskich po 1945 r. [Lower Silesia and Lubusz Land in the Polish Films after 1945] (2020, as a co-author). Co-editor of Film a historia. Szkice z dziejów wizualnych [Film and History: Sketches in Visual History] (2019); Okno na przeszłość. Szkcie z historii wizualnej, t. 2 [Window on the Past: Outlines on the Visual History, vol. 2] (2020); Okno na przeszłość. Szkice z historii wizualnej, t. 3 [Window on the Past: Outlines on the Visual History, vol. 3] (2020). He discovered the film reportage To Torell Land, directed by Witold Biernawski (1934). Member of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies and the Polish Society of Game Studies. Lecturer at the Polish Film Academy.


Andrei Rogatchevski 

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Norway

Professor of Russian Literature and Culture at the University of Tromso (Norway). A graduate of the Moscow State University and the University of Glasgow. He taught at the University of Glasgow, University of Helsinki, Masaryk University in Brno, University of Ostrava, University of Mainz/Germersheim, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His (co-)authored/(co-) edited publications include: Bribery and Blat in Russia: Negotiating Reciprocity from the Middle Ages to the 1990s (2000), A Biographical and Critical Study of the Russian Writer Eduard Limonov (2003), Filming the Unfilmable: Casper Wrede’s “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” (2010), Punishment as a Crime? Perspectives on Prison Experience in Russian Culture (2014). His latest publications include Russophone Periodicals in Israel (2016) and A War of Songs: Popular Music and Recent Russia-Ukraine Relations (2019).


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