Painting With Light in Films by Derek Jarman
Konrad Chmielecki
kwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.plUniversity of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Poland)
The author presents an analysis of aesthetics of light in films by Derek Jarman. He identifies three types of aesthetics of light: aesthetics of “natural” light, “artificial” and “inner”, which correspond to the style present in the Baroque paintings. “Painting with light” can be contrasted with “writing with light”, in which the flow of the film is constructed with the help of the symbolic meaning associated with different type of light - with its character and intensity. “Natural light” is presented through the analysis of the film Caravaggio. This aesthetics based on yellow-orange light being pointed at a specific person is also to be found in the Venetian school of art. “Artificial light” is presented as the light of a candle - referring to the paintings by de la Tour. This aesthetics was applied in The Tempest and The War Requiem. The presentation of the development of the aesthetics of light is culminated by the analysis of ”inner light” present in the work of Rembrandt, and which was applied in Edward II and Wittgenstein.
Derek Jarman, light, baroqueReferences
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University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz Poland
Adiunkt w Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi i PWSZ w Głogowie. Autor książki Estetyka intermedialności (2008). Pracuje nad zagadnieniami dotyczącymi estetyki obrazu filmowego i kultury wizualnej.
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