On the Certain Tendency of Popular Cinema
The author presents and analyses a new tendency which appeared recently in popular cinema. The author concentrates on films dealing with heroes of popular mass culture - James Bond and Batman. Through the analysis of the new versions of old heroes, of new attempts of dealing with myths of popular culture, and through the search for the universal nature of heroes and their destiny in Jung's psychology of depth and the schema of monomyth proposed by Joseph Campbell, the author compares the new renovated products of mass culture with their earlier versions. It appears to him that the tendency in new popular cinema, which shows various possibilities, and the psychologisation of characters and moral aspect of their action, and which departs from the basic sources of mass culture, does not help to create new, exceptional cinema, but only leads the film makers onto artistic shallow waters and causes the loss of distinctive characteristics of heroes of pop culture, with sources of which are to be found in myth, psychology and fairy tale.
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Miłosz Kłobukowskikwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland
Absolwent filologii polskiej (specjalność: kulturoznawcza, specjalizacja filmoznawcza) na UMK w Toruniu.
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