“You Never Know in Film...” – Teresa Roszkowska’s Battle for a Film Frame

Joanna Stacewicz-Podlipska

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


Teresa Roszkowska (1904-1992), was a talented painter and a first Polish woman to be a stage and set designer. Her adventure with film begun in 1938, when she debuted as a costume designer in Józef Lejtes’ production Kościuszko at Racławice. Because of her specific predilections and clearly defined preferences she quickly found her niche on the market, specializing in the art design for costume films and musical comedies. In film, as in the theatre, she was very careful in choosing her repertoire and collaborators, engaging in only those projects, which fully met her tastes and expectations. The deciding factor was a deep, artistic understanding with the director. Roszkowska was able to reach this kind of understanding only with Józef Lejtes, Aleksander Ford and Jerzy Zarzycki. Their sensitivity to the visual aspect of the film and a certain “picturesqueness” of the frame and their knowledge of the history of art led to the creation of three creative tandems.


Teresa Roszkowska, set design, costume design

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Cited by

Stacewicz-Podlipska, J. (2011) “‘You Never Know in Film. ’ – Teresa Roszkowska’s Battle for a Film Frame”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (74), pp. 166–185. doi: 10.36744/kf.2950.


Joanna Stacewicz-Podlipska 
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Absolwentka his­torii sztuki na UW; obecnie na studiach doktoran­ckich w Instytucie Sztuki PAN, gdzie zajmuje się twórczością Teresy Roszkowskiej. Interesuje się historią polskiej scenografii teatralnej i filmowej. Współpracuje z „Pamiętnikiem Teatralnym” oraz „Kwartalnikiem Filmowym”.


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