Pirate Modernization

Piotr Sitarski

University of Lodz (Poland)


The article is a review of the book Weź pan Rambo! Społeczna historia magnetowidów w Polsce [Take Rambo!: A Social History of VCRs in Poland] (2022) by Mirosław Filiciak and Patryk Wasiak. The authors discuss the period of the “video revolution,” analysing the social changes that accompanied the emergence and diffusion of VCRs in Poland. They draw on postcolonial theory, concepts of cultural circulation, and inspirations from media archaeology. The research material consists of Polish press articles and of interviews. The authors combine a rich picture of the era of political and economic transformation with a multitude of detailed observations. The book is an excellent introduction to the history of video in Poland.


history of media, history of video, political transformation in Poland

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Cited by

Sitarski, P. (2024) “Pirate Modernization”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (127), pp. 275–281. doi: 10.36744/kf.2926.


Piotr Sitarski 
University of Lodz Poland

Professor at the University of Lodz, film and media scholar; he works at the Department of Film and Audio-Visual Media at the University of Lodz. He is interested in the history of film practices and media history. Co-author, i.a., of the volume Nowe media w PRL [New Media in the People’s Republic of Poland] (2020) and author of the monograph Sens stylu. O twórczości filmowej Ridleya Scotta [The Sense of Style: On the Film Works of Ridley Scott] (2010).


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