Elusive Bodies: Emotions and Affects in Film Image – Shinobu Yaguchi’s “Happy Flight”
In modern humanities understanding of the body as a substance or being gradually gives way to interest in processes, sensations and affects that pass through and between bodies. The emphasis on intangible and unconscious flows poses a particular kind of challenge to a film analyst, as these are the dimensions of human experience that to a large extent are not subject to verbalisation or visualisation. Szarecki proposes to consider body as a medium between the representation and the materiality of the image, taking into the account both politics of meanings focusing on the representations of the body in film, and the politics of experience associated with the creation of affective relationships. The author demonstrates this approach using the example of the Japanese film Happy flight by Shinobu Yaguchi, arguing that although the body images presented in the film bypass the dynamics and movement of affective flows, these might manifest themselves in sensory responses to the developing action and the accompanying changes in sounds and images.
Shinobu Yaguchi, affect, Japanese cinemaReferences
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Artur Szareckikwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
University of Warsaw Poland
Absolwent Wydziału Zarządzania oraz Instytutu Kultury Polskiej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, doktor kulturoznawstwa; zajmuje się problematyką cielesności, kapitalizmu oraz kultury popularnej.
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