Film and Theatre

Susan Sontag
independent researcher (United States)


The classic text from 1966 in which the author reflects on the specificity of film and theatre, exam­ines the areas of permeation and overlapping of these two fields of art, looking for differences between them, their distinctive features and mutual inspiration. Sontag also keeps track of the manifestations of the use of elements of film in the theatre, and theatre in film, pointing to the ele­ments which can be considered as the essence of film and theatre. Erwin Panofsky’s essay from 1934 Style and Medium in the Motion Pictures plays an important role in the article, with the conclusions of which Sontag argues, but with which she also partly agrees. Sontag’s analysis is a work of its time, hence the numerous references to the cultural phenomena of the 1960s: films by Carl Theodor Dreyer, the work of Andy Warhol, and the theatrical activities of Peter Brook, The Living Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company. The author concludes with a thought provoking reflection on the idea of art as an act of violence, an assault directed at the audience.

  • The translation of the article by Susan Sontag: Film and Theatre (pp. 24-37), The Tulane Drama Review 1966, Autumn, vol. 11, no. 1; publisher: The MIT Press. Copyright © Susan Sontag, 1966; used by permission of The Wylie Agency (UK) Limited.

Due to copyright restrictions the article is available in the print version only.


film, theatre, Erwin Panofsky, Andy Warhol, Peter Brook

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Cited by

Sontag, S. (2014) “Film and Theatre”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (87-88), pp. 6–23. doi: 10.36744/kf.2316.


Susan Sontag
independent researcher United States

Ur. 1933, zm. 2004; amerykańska pisarka, eseistka, reżyserka, działaczka na rzecz obrony praw człowieka, ikona popkultury. Autorka licznych esejów i książek z zakresu teorii sztuki, krytyki społecznej, szeroko pojętej humanistyki ( O fotografii, Notatki o kampie, Przeciw interpretacji, Choroba jako metafora. AIDS i jego metafory, Pod znakiem Saturna, Widok cudzego cierpienia), a także powieści ( W Ameryce, Miłośnik wulkanów, Zestaw do śmierci), sztuk teatralnych ( A Parsifal, Alice in Bed, Lady from the Sea) i filmów (Duett för kannibaler, Bröder Carl, Promised Lands, Unguided Tour). Uznawana za jedną z najważniejszych intelektualistek drugiej połowy XX w.


Abstract views: 108


Copyright (c) 2014 Susan Sontag

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