Marek Majer Libkow: Producer with a Passion

Roman Włodek
Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


Marek Libkow (b. 1890, Widujce; d. 1948, New York) was the most ambitious film producer of Polish cinema in the interwar period. He was born into a Jewish family. He gained his first filmmaking experience in the Russian cinematography. He moved to Poland in the period of the World War I. Since 1922 he worked successively in companies established by himself. He mainly produced films showing the Polish struggle for independence: Early Spring, Exile to Siberia, 1914 – directed by Henryk Szaro, and Young Forest, The Rose, Kościuszko at Racławice - directed by Józef Lejtes. He also produced a religious film Beneath Thy Protection – the biggest blockbuster of the interwar period. Following the outbreak of World War II Libkow emigrated to the USA. He tried to interest American film producers in events taking place in occupied Poland. In Hollywood he was a con­sultant for the film None Shall Escape (1944) – the first film which shows Jews being murdered by the Germans. His independent attempts at producing both in the Hollywood and in New York brought no effects.


Marek Libkow, interwar period, film production

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Cited by

Włodek, R. (2015) “Marek Majer Libkow: Producer with a Passion”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (91), pp. 181–201. doi: 10.36744/kf.2294.


Roman Włodek
Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Filmoznawca; pracuje w Zakła­dzie Polskiego Słownika Biograficznego Instytutu Historii PAN. Zajmuje się historią filmu polskiego, żydowskiego, biografistyką oraz tematyką polo­nijną. Autor haseł i artykułów biograficznych w Encyklopedii Krakowa (2000), Encyklopedii kina (2003) i Polskim słowniku biograficznym (od 2004). Publikował w pracach zbiorowych, w Galicyjskich spotkaniach (2004, 2005, 2007), Autorach filmu polskiego (2004, 2007), Gefilte film (2008, 2009), a ponadto w „Dialogu”, „Kinie”, „Midraszu” i „Pamiętniku Teatralnym”. Autor książek Na początku było „Le’chajim”. Bar­dzo krótka historia kina żydowskiego (2013) i 100 lat Marzenia. Historia kina w Tarnowie (2013) oraz (wraz z Barbarą Gierszewską) antologii Od „So­domy i Gomory” do „Pepe le Moko ” (2013).


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