“Making Visible”: Films as Expanded, Virtual Field of Work of Art

Filip Lipiński

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)


The article provides an opportunity to reconsider selected Polish films about art (e.g. Multiple Realities of Leon Chwistek, dir. R. Waśko; A Trace, dir. H. Włodarczyk; Dream and Image, dir. B. Dziworski; Praise the Bull, dir. A. Papuziński) as a specifically conceived laboratory of the work of art. In the film environment an interpretative visualisation takes place of its expanded, virtual field - that is making visible and “testing” that, which up till now remained in the intuitive responsive sphere, the discursively explicated interpretative projection of the viewer/historian of art, or the imaginary horizon of the artist. In the first part of the article, the author outlines the theoretical basis for thinking about the type of “cre­ative document” in the area of this genre and explains his understanding of the terms “expanded field” and “virtuality”. The next two parts of the text are analyses of selected films with particular focus on two issues: visualisation of “life” and “unconsciousness” of a work of art.

Supporting Agencies

The article was written as a part of the project “Polish Documentary Films About Art 1945-1989” carried out in 2011-2015 within the framework of the “National Programme for the Development of the Humanities” at the Institute of Art History of Adam Mickiewicz University under the supervision of prof. Piotr Juszkiewicz.


art, unconsciousness, Polish cinema

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9781503626072   Google Scholar


Cited by

Lipiński, F. (2017) “‘Making Visible’: Films as Expanded, Virtual Field of Work of Art”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (97-98), pp. 250–262. doi: 10.36744/kf.2098.


Filip Lipiński 
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Poland

Doktor, historyk sztuki, amerykanista; adiunkt w Instytucie Historii Sztuki na Uniwer­sytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza. Stypendysta Fundacji Fulbrighta na City University of New York (2007-2008) oraz Terra Foundation for American Art we Francji (2008) i Stanach Zjednoczonych (2013). Autor książki Hopper wirtualny. Obrazy w pamięta­jącym spojrzeniu (2013), a także licznych naukowych i popularnonaukowych artykułów poświęconych m.in. sztuce nowoczesnej, teorii historii sztuki oraz relacjom sztuki i filmu publikowanych w takich cza­sopismach, jak „Oxford Art Journal”, „RIHA Jour­nal”, „Artium Questiones”.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Filip Lipiński

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