Two Films – Two Celebrations – Two Theories

Wojciech Dudzik
University of Warsaw (Poland)


The text is devoted to two documentary films by Andrzej Fidyk: North Korea: The Parade (1989) and Carnaval. The Biggest Party in the World (1995) analysed in the context of Émile Durkheim’s (effervescence collective) and Victor Turner’s (communitas) theories of celebration. The author finds sacral elements both in the great parade organized on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Korean Democratic People’s Republic and in the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. It turns out, however, that the opposition of profanum and sacrum – or of structure and anti-structure that appears natural in the analysis of the two celebrations filmed by Fidyk, is illusory. The structure is mixed with anti-structure on a dialectical basis: suspended for the duration of the festivity, it is revived in its celebration.


Andrzej Fidyk, Émile Durkheim, Victor Turner

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Cited by

Dudzik, W. (2017) “Two Films – Two Celebrations – Two Theories”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (100), pp. 81–86. doi: 10.36744/kf.1990.


Wojciech Dudzik
University of Warsaw Poland

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