Transgressive Sensitivity of François Ozon
François Ozon is one of the most recognizable European directors. His work fits in with the register of motifs and trends that define contemporary French cinema: from the tradition of cinema d’auteur through cinema du corps and the new French extreme, and the queer cinema. As an author of a new generation, Ozon meanders between artistic and com- mercial cinema - the areas whose separateness has so far legitimized the practice of the auteur theory. The use of diverse film conventions and the creation of new hybrid forms can be considered as a cardinal feature of Ozon’s eclectic and postmodernist style. At the heart of most of his films lies the melodramatic sensitivity and camp aesthetics. The original character of his works is also evidenced by a set of themes or obsessions that return in most of his films: family theme, usually perverse or even perfidious, as well as the issue of gender and sexual lability, probing, undermining and blurring gender differences and roles, and in a broader sense - treating sex and the body as a transgressive path of self-discovery.
François Ozon, auteur cinema, French extremism, camp, transgression cinema, body, genderReferences
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Warsaw Film School Poland
Absolwentka MISH i filmoznawstwa, doktor nauk humanistycznych. Wykłada w Warszawskiej Szkole Filmowej i na Uniwersytecie SWPS. Stara się łączyć działalność dydaktyczną i naukową z pasją dziennikarską. Publikowała w kilku tomach zbiorowych, „Kwartalniku Filmowym”, „Ekranach”, „Filmie”, „Kinie”, „Tygodniku Powszechnym” oraz w
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