Topography of Roads on „The Island”. Spiritual Pilgrimage in Pavel Lungin’s Film
Katarzyna Kolman
katarzyna.kolman@gmail.comNetherlands Embassy in Warsaw (Poland)
The author of the article proposes a look at Pavel Lungin’s The Island in terms of a film about a spiritual path realized as an internal disposition of man, independent of external circumstances. The main hero’s penitential pilgrimage, which is the result of conversion, does not take place physically, but takes place in his bodily and spiritual emptiness, prayer, directing his life towards God and towards other people. It is also a return pilgrimage to the hero’s experience of the overwhelming reality of divine immanence and transcendence as well as the reality of interpersonal relations. In parallel, the spiritual paths of the other protagonists of The Island lead to Anatoly, who changes their trajectory. The inner world and the metaphysical movement in the film are realized in its verbal layer, whereas the external world and physical movement in its image layer. It is also a film about existential travel, prompting philosophical reflection on human identity.
Pavel Lungin, Russian cinema, spirituality, religious experience, transcendence, sacrumReferences
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Netherlands Embassy in Warsaw Poland
Autorka kończy pracę nad doktoratem poświęconym sacrum i komunikowaniu się w filmie. W kręgu jej zainteresowań naukowych znajdują zagadnienia związane z cielesnością w obrazie filmowym, motywami żydowskimi w kinie oraz współczesne kino tańca. Pracuje jako doradca ds. kultury w Ambasadzie Królestwa Niderlandów.
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