Non-fairytales: Bolek, Lolek, and Technological Modernism
Piotr Sitarski
piotr.sitarski@uni.lodz.plUniversity of Lodz (Poland)
The TV series Bolek and Lolek (Bolek i Lolek) was immensely popular both in Poland and abroad. In this article, the author argues that its popularity was based on the idea of technological modernism that the series embraced. By technological modernism the author understands the progressive, technology-centred rearrangement of human environment and ways of living. Technological modernism determined the transition from agriculture to an urban, industrial society, which was taking place in the second half of the 20th century. Bolek and Lolek helped children orient themselves in this new world, providing them with role-models and teaching them technology-based cultural practices. The author analyses the construction of spaces and their relation to real urban and rural spaces in Poland, and the role technology plays in the life of the protagonists.
Bolek and Lolek, Polish animation for children, technological modernismReferences
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University of Lodz Poland
Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, Poland; he teaches film and media. His interests include history of film viewing practices and history of media. He recently published, with Maria B. Garda and Krzysztof Jajko, New Media Behind the Iron Curtain (2021).
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