The Hegel's Galaxy: „Event[0]” as a (Post)humanist Game

Filip Jankowski
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


In films and digital games, two attitudes towards the development of artificial intelligence have prevailed so far, portraying it as a threat or a defense against this threat. The aim of the article is to show – on the example of the Event[0] digital game – the birth of a new paradigm in popular culture, in which artificial intelligence becomes an equal partner requiring human respect. Using the method of analytical autoethnography, the author explores the possibility of reconciling, in the context of the game, Hegel’s anthropocentric humanism with the post-humanist current. The results of the research prove both the technological progress of artificial intelligence in digital games and the emergence of a new perspective on the man-machine relationship, deprived of the patronage of previous popular culture works.


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, posthumanism, artificial intelligence, digital games, video games

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Cited by

Jankowski, F. (2020) “The Hegel’s Galaxy: „Event[0]” as a (Post)humanist Game”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (110), pp. 120–136. doi: 10.36744/kf.142.


Filip Jankowski
Jagiellonian University Poland

He is a PhD student at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His research interests revolve around the history and theory of digital games.


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