Kwartalnik Filmowy is addressed to academics, students of the humanities, especially in film studies, and cinephiles. Usually, it is published in the form of monographic volumes devoted to a particular problem. Every effort is made to formulate topics for volumes corresponding with trends of contemporary film studies and media around the world. These include issues such as film form (‘Film labyrinths of narration’, ‘Sound, music, word in film’, ‘Film image, image in Film’, ‘One take’), cinematography, national and regional (‘Scandinavian cinema’, ‘Film in Asia’, ‘British cinema’, ‘American cinema’). A separate group of problems concerns the interface between cinema and aspects of social life (‘Polish cinema and politics’, ‘Ideology and film’, ‘Anthropology and film’, ‘Cinema and social identity’) and other arts (‘Avant-garde and film’, ‘Film and theatre’, ‘Cinema and new media’, ‘Film, photography, reality’, ‘Architectural space in film’). The journal also deals with issues related to history and theory of film (‘History in film’, ‘Film history’ ‘Redefinitions of the classics’, ‘/New/ film theory’), as well as film culture with a focus on Polish cinema. Important matters such as ‘Women in cinema’, ‘Sacrum in film’, ‘City in film’, ‘Body in film’, ‘Senses and affects’ also feature in the journal. We publish reviews of the most important books about film issued in Poland or concerning Polish cinema or media.

Kwartalnik Filmowy presents the work of the more experienced film and media researchers, but we also welcome the articles of students and PhD candidates. Taking care not only of the substantive, but also the literary value of the text, the editors give their authors a free hand as to their writing style. The diversity and unconventional stylistic approach to the subject is always valued. We are interested in interdisciplinary approaches and we are open to the new methodologies.

As a journal available both in print and online (open access), we are also reaching out to authors and readers from other countries by publishing articles in Polish as well as English. Our Call for Papers (both in Polish and English) is distributed through various channels (social media, websites and platforms of academic associations etc.). We reach out to foreign contributors through our international Academic Advisory Board. We are also trying to restore the most significant achievements of the early years of Polish film studies by republishing and translating archival materials and their critical commentaries into English and making it available internationally.

We publish four volumes a year – both in paper and electronic version (published online in open access).