Barański and Dwurnik: “Cornershop, 360°” – A Sociological Record
Cornershop, 3600, is an ironic, and sometimes bitter, story of life on an estate, at the centre of which there is the cornershop. This animation by the director Andrzej Barański and the painter, Edward Dwurnik, is based on a short story by Krzysztof Jaworski. The cornershop is the centre of the world for the people of the estate; this is where the chavs as well as adults congregate to have a drink and a cigarette. The cornershop is a source of pride which integrates the local community. Baranski and Dwurnik create a sociological record of the last decades of Polish society. They show those, for whom there is neither place nor future in the post transformation society.
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Patrycja Cembrzyń
Jagiellonian University Poland
Ukończyła historię sztuki na UJ. Absolwentka Podyplomowych Studiów z zakresu Gender - Kulturowej Tożsamości Płci w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ.
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