Loneliness on Screen: The Screen Life of Paintings by Edward Hopper
The work of Edward Hopper is a perfect example of the relationship between painting and film. On the one hand, the painter borrowed film images in order to create a painting similar to a frame of a film. Echoes of Hopper's style can be found in films where local architecture, customs and people of America of old are presented. It is also present in road movies, in its' scenery and message. In the article three films are presented and analysed: Sam Mendes' Road to Perdition, Peter Bogdanovich's The Last Picture Show, and Clint Eastwood's The Bridges of Madison County. Those films enter a dialogue with Hopper's paintings, although not necessarily in a self conscious way. The films contain themes typical of Hopper's work: empty landscapes, deserted towns and still, lonely people with expressionless faces. Apart from similarities in the iconography, what matters is the similarity in themes of alienation, emptiness and meaningless of life in small town America as well as in big cities.
Edward Hopper, painting, loneliness, void, cityReferences
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Maria Pokorakwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
University of Lodz Poland
Absolwentka filmoznawstwa i wiedzy o mediach Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
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