The Vitality of Cinema Runs Through Its Bad, Not a Good Tastes: Andrzej Żuławski's “The Devil”

Marta Olszewska-Jończyk
independent researcher (Poland)


The author through the analysis of Andrzej Zuławski's The Devil identifies elements of style present in Żuławski s work, which oscillates around the category of kitsch. Olszewska-Jonczyk points to the sources of discomfort for viewers dealing with apparent tastelessness. The deliberate departure from “good taste” in the film that caused a conflict between the director and the government of the time can be seen as a radical experiment and exercise in breaking away form the artistic and scientific conventions. The use of means that are identified with kitsch as a way of reaching marginalised regions of culture is also a way in which and through which the categories of national and existential myths and kitsch can be deconstructed, showing their superficial nature.


Andrzej Żuławski, kitsch, discomfort

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Cited by

Olszewska-Jończyk, M. (2009) “The Vitality of Cinema Runs Through Its Bad, Not a Good Tastes: Andrzej Żuławski’s ‘The Devil’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (66), pp. 80–92. doi: 10.36744/kf.3129.


Marta Olszewska-Jończyk
independent researcher Poland

Absolwentka polo­nistyki i animacji kultury na UW. Studentka „Akademii Pracy z Procesem” przy Polskim Towarzystwie Psychologii Procesu. Publikowała w magazynach „Cinema”, „Swiat Filmu” i „Panoptikum”.


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