The Discreet Charm of Surrealism in the Film Work of Walerian Borowczyk
Kwas considers ambiguity and controversy which accompanied the reception of the work of Walerian Borowczyk. Most films made by Borowczyk, including the erotic ones, escape the rules of classic cinema or even art cinema, placing the films somewhere on the edge of film vanguard, visual art, and a provocation. Kwas considers the hypothesis that Borowczyk as a director was a film maker with a surrealist temperament. Following this notion Kwas considers Borowczyk's involvement with the surrealist movement and points to similarities between hyper-realist ideology and Borowczyk's creative stance. The article concludes with an analysis of Borowczyk's Immoral stories (Opowieści niemoralne, 1974) made from the perspective of the surrealistic aesthetics and ideology.
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Jagiellonian University Poland
Absolwentka filmoznawstwa na UJ. Doktorantka w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ.
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