“If You Know What I Want to Say...”: About Polish Movie Characters

Sylwia Kołos

Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)


Book review of Katarzyna Taras’ Egoist or Edi. Characters in contemporary Polish cinema („Egoista” czy Edi? Bohaterowie najnowszych polskich filmów - rekonesans, 2007). The author presents a classi­fication of characters from contemporary Polish cinema. She divides them into well defined groups: those who chose evil during the period of socio-political reform, intellectuals, small town guys and the thirty year olds. This classification points to the differences between the book, and other texts about contemporary Polish cinema that inspired Katarzyna Taras. Gender is not the deciding factor in the mentality of the characters. The deciding factors are the choices related to their social and material status, frustrations caused by social and economical changes, different understandings of tradition and history, and moral dilemmas related to environmental determinism.


Katarzyna Taras, review, film character

Gałuszka Kinga, Kocham ten kraj. O pewnym „młodym” polskim pokoleniu, „Kwartalnik Filmowy” 2003, nr 43.
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Taras Katarzyna, „Egoista” czy Edi? Bohaterowie najnowszych polskich filmów – rekonesans, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa 2007.
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Cited by

Kołos, S. (2010) “‘If You Know What I Want to Say. ’: About Polish Movie Characters”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (70), pp. 228–232. doi: 10.36744/kf.3071.


Sylwia Kołos 
Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland

Adiunkt w Zakładzie Dramatu, Teatru i Filmu UMK. Autorka książki Nowe kino szekspirowskie. Adaptacje sztuk Williama Szek­spira w kinie lat 90-tych XX wieku.


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