Cinema Surface Design

Akira Mizuta Lippit
University of Southern California (United States)


The author analyses the matter of the surface: the surface of cinema and of the screen, a space that seems to be flat but at the same time hides and reveals a strange depth, a folded volume. Looking at the first films of the brothers Lumière and other examples of early cinema, and using Tom Gunning’s metaphor of “absorption” and “swallowing,” the author attempts to describe the strange moment of collision between the spectator and the energy of film, the space of cinema. The gesture of this contact is like a swallowing. What awaits the spectator at the projected point of collision is an imaginary depth that opens from the other side of the screen. Lippit explores the question of the cinema as bilateral reality, where the surface is the border between inside and outside. What we get is a fascinating psychology (or maybe rather psychoanalysis) of cinema, of its movement. The early cinema being the forgotten, but important trace.

  • The text is a translation of the chapter Cinema Surface Design from the book Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) by Akira Mizuta Lippit, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2005. © 2005 by The University of Minnesota Press.

Due to copyright restrictions the article is available in the print version only.


surface, early cinema, Tom Gunning, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gilles Deleuze, psychoanalysis

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Cited by

Lippit, A. M. (2009) “Cinema Surface Design”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (65), pp. 30–47. doi: 10.36744/kf.3053.


Akira Mizuta Lippit
University of Southern California United States

Profesor na Uniwersytecie Południowej Kalifornii (School of Cinematic Arts, Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages and Cultures). Współpracuje także z wydziałem Me­dia Studies na Josai International University w Ja­ponii. Autor książek Electric Animal: Toward a Rhetoric of Wildlife (2000) i Atomic Light (Shadow Optics) (2005). Kończy pracę nad kilkoma książkami: o współczesnym kinie japońskim, o ki­nie i widmowości, o twórczości Davida Lyncha.


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