From the Margins to the Centre: Informal and “Inappropriate” Practices of Film Audiences

Mirosław Filiciak
SWPS University (Poland)


The article deals with the meaning of practices and contexts that are not part of films themselves, but are important in the area of film studies. The author analyses the relation between Polish film studies and social science research. He argues for closer ties between these two disciplines, especially in the context of technological changes that introduce film to new audiences. In the article the author also reflects on the participation of researchers in the production of “institutionalised knowledge” and its consequences. The author also suggests a change in the understanding of film itself. He argues that one needs to take into the account elements of social network within which the film is present.


film studies, sociology of cinema, social research

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Cited by

Filiciak, M. (2014) “From the Margins to the Centre: Informal and ‘Inappropriate’ Practices of Film Audiences”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (85), pp. 88–99. doi: 10.36744/kf.2457.


Mirosław Filiciak
SWPS University Poland

Medioznawca, profesor Szkoły Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej, gdzie kieruje Instytutem Kulturoznawstwa. Zajmuje się teorią badań kulturowych oraz wpływem tech­nologii na praktyki społeczne. Autor książek Wirtualny plac zabaw (2006) i Media, wersja beta (2013).


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