Claudia Llosa’s “Madeinusa”, or the Multiplicity of Time in a Peruvian Village
The author considers the modest Peruvian film as a work showing time in the multiplicity of its cultural interpretations, both in the lives of individuals and in the life of the community. Reaching for terms and concepts derived from various systems of thought and cultures, Łomanowska considers the fictitious Easter celebration in Llosa’s film in numerous contexts of inquiry: theological, religious studies, anthropological and sociological. She draws attention to the syncretic nature of this festival, which follows the ritual schemas of various, often very different, rites. The ceremonial chaos and religious hybridity, characteristic of South America, in Madeinusa become a dangerous tangle of opposing orders. The time of life and the time of death intertwine and mix at the empirical and ritual levels, which negate the binary paradigm of human ritual life and – more widely – of culture.
Claudia Llosa, ritual, anthropology, Peruvian cinemaReferences
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Iga Ł
Jagiellonian University Poland
Studentka ostatniego roku filmoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, autorka pracy licencjackiej Uczta w kinie. O pewnych aspektach sytuacji besiadnej. Redaktorka i korektorka w magazynie studentów krakowskiego filmoznawstwa „16mm”; publikowała w czasopismach internetowych oraz w miesięczniku „Uważam Rze Historia”.
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