“Where a ‘Fragment’ Is More Suited to Be Filmed Than the Whole Play”: “Wozzeck” by Georg C. Klaren

Anna R. Burzyńska

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


In December 1947 the world saw the first postwar German film adaptation of a literary work. That was Wozzeck directed by Georg C. Klaren, a film adaptation of a play by Georg Büchner. The choice of the 19th century drama, preserved only in fragments and incomplete scenes, is far from obvious and makes one think about a number of questions, starting with the process of film adaptation of fragmentary work of literature (how far could the director be faithful to the author and the original piece of literature, given its fragmentary and unfinished nature? did the fragmentary character of the play aid or hinder the process of adaptation?), and ending with the ambiguous message of Klaren’s film (what is the purpose of the numerous anachronisms present in the film? what was the point of showing an audience, still traumatised by war, a post-romantic drama?).


Georg C. Klaren, Georg Büchner, German cinema

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Cited by

Burzyńska, A. R. (2014) ““Where a ‘Fragment’ Is More Suited to Be Filmed Than the Whole Play”: ‘Wozzeck’ by Georg C. Klaren”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (87-88), pp. 151–159. doi: 10.36744/kf.2389.


Anna R. Burzyńska 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Adiunkt w Katedrze Teatru i Dramatu Wydziału Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Ja­giellońskiego. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obej­mują najnowszy teatr europejski oraz dramat polski i niemiecki od XIX w. po współczesność. Zajmuje się także krytyką teatralną. Od 2000 r. współredaguje „Didaskalia”. W latach 2004-2010 była recenzentką i publicystką „Tygodnika Po­wszechnego”. Opublikowała książki: Mechanika cudu (2005), The Classics and the Troublemakers (2008), Maska twarzy (2011).


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