An Evidence: On Cine-Thinking Outside of Metaphysics Using the Example of Abbas Kiarostami’s “Taste of Cherry” (A Footnote to Jean-Luc Nancy)
The aim of the article is a reflection on the possibility of taking cinema thought beyond the considerations of metaphysics. The essay is considering this issue in relation to Abbas Kiarostami’s film Taste of Cherry, with reference to the thoughts of Martin Heidegger and Jean-Luc Nancy. The author briefly interprets the film, identifies its main problem and the solution proposed by the director - using unconventional artistic methods in relation to the transmitted meanings forces the viewer to go beyond the habitual understanding of film as well as reality. This can be described in terms of philosophy - film permits one to experience the unobvious obviousness and forces one to note its primary dependence on the very possibility of being: a clearing. In it, all images should be treated as an evidence, coming to the people from light itself and liberating them to co-create the world. Kiarostami’s work is an example of an open artist’s meeting with a dynamic evidence of being, recorded on film like acheiropoieta.
Abbas Kiarostami, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Luc NancyReferences
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Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk Poland
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