The Pula Festival – The Beginning and the End of the Film Fest in the Socialist Yugoslavia

Patrycjusz Pająk
University of Warsaw (Poland)


The film festival in Pula deserves to be called the greatest feast of Yugoslavian cinematography, as it was an undertaking of unquestionable artistic prestige and of great social and political significance. In the opinion of the communist authorities of the country including Josip Broz Tito, it promoted the idea of the Yugoslav cultural community and reflected the modernity of the socialist state. For the inhabitants of Pula and its surroundings, it was the most attractive mass event, which due to its momentum and national and international fame brought the Yugoslavian province closer to the world. By publicizing the artistic achievements of local cinema, the Pula festival emphasized the internal diversity of the country’s culture, as the films presented were from several Yugoslav republics, and differed in terms of nation, culture and language.


film festival in Pula, Yugoslavian cinema, socialism, Josip Broz Tito

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Cited by

Pająk, P. (2017) “The Pula Festival – The Beginning and the End of the Film Fest in the Socialist Yugoslavia”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (100), pp. 6–21. doi: 10.36744/kf.1984.


Patrycjusz Pająk
University of Warsaw Poland

Dr hab., adiunkt w Instytucie Slawistyki Zachodniej i Południowej na Wydziale Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego; zaj­ muje się kulturą krajów słowiańskich w Europie Środkowej ina Bałkanach; autor książek Katego­ria rozpadu w chorwackiej prozie awangardowej (2003, wyd. chorw.: 2007) i Groza po czesku. Przypadki literackie (2014, wyd. czeskie: 2017) oraz artykułów na temat literatury i filmu w kra­jach zachodniosłowiańskich i południowosło- wiańskich publikowanych w tomach zbiorowych oraz czasopismach: „Prace Filologiczne. Literatu­roznawstwo”, „Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne”, „Slavia Meridionalis”, „Umjetnost rijeci”, „Knjizevna smotra”, „Pamiętnik Słowiański”, „Bohemistyka”, „Pleograf”.


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