Out of the “Baserri”: Queer Basque Cinema Today

Katixa Agirre

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Spain)

Iratxe Fresneda

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Spain)


In the article the authors look at how new Basque cinema - specifically that filmed in Basque language - has represented LGTB love and sex focusing on two films: Ander (dir. Roberto Castón, 2009), a love story between a farmer and his immigrant farmhand, and 80 Egunean (For 80 days, dir. Jose Mana Goenaga and Jon Garano, 2010), a romance between two elderly women who were friends in their adolescence. Agirre and Fresneda argue that gay themes are intertwined with traditionally Basque identity traits, especially those referring to the classical identity conflict between rural and urban identities, or even private and public spaces, symbolized by the baserri (the traditionally Basque farmhouse), a Basque symbol that plays a key role in both films.


new Basque cinema, queer, LGBT, Roberto Castón, José María Goenaga, Jon Garaño, baserri

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Cited by

Agirre, K. and Fresneda, I. (2018) “Out of the ‘Baserri’: Queer Basque Cinema Today”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (101-102), pp. 223–230. doi: 10.36744/kf.1960.


Katixa Agirre 
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Spain

Wykładowczyni na Wydziale Komunikacji Audiowizualnej na Uniwersytecie Kraju Basków (UPV/EHU). W latach 2011-2013 prowadziła badania postdoktorskie na uczelniach: Queen Mary, University of London oraz School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia. Publikuje także prozę w języku baskij­skim.


Iratxe Fresneda 

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Spain

Filmoznawczyni ze stopniem doktora, reżyserka, producentka. Wykłada na Wydziale Komunikacji Audiowizualnej na Uni­wersytecie Kraju Basków (UPV/EHU), gdzie pro­wadzi kursy z zakresu teorii feministycznej i scenopisarstwa filmów niefikcjonalnych. Jej praca doktorska dotyczyła stereotypów kobiet w filmach Larsa von Triera. Autorka filmów do­kumentalnych Irrintziaren Oihartzunak (2016) oraz Cold Lands (2018).



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