Andrea Mariani, Inventoria Rerum Musicalium Domum Societatis Iesu in Polonia et Lituania Tempore Suppressionis, Warszawa 2020

Marek Bebak

Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland)


Book Review of: Andrea Mariani, Inventoria Rerum Musicalium Domum Societatis Iesu in Polonia et Lituania Tempore Suppressionis, Warszawa 2020


Jesuits, eighteen-century music, Polish music

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Cited by

Bebak, M. (2021). Andrea Mariani, Inventoria Rerum Musicalium Domum Societatis Iesu in Polonia et Lituania Tempore Suppressionis, Warszawa 2020. Muzyka, 66(3), 213–217.


Marek Bebak 

Jagiellonian University, Kraków Poland


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