The Warsaw Music Society’s First Year of Activity. New Findings


Wioleta Muras

University of Wrocław (Poland)


Founded in February 1871, the Warsaw Music Society (WTM) was one of Warsaw’s leading cultural institutions in the second half of the nineteenth century. Its first director was composer Aleksander Zarzycki, also highly regarded as a pianist. The society held three kinds of concert-type musical events. The WTM’s beginnings were highly successful, which was reflected in its excellent financial situation and impressive membership (more than one thousand). With time, critical comments began to appear, targeting the society’s director, suggesting that his relations with the committee members were far from perfect.


Warsaw Music Society, Aleksander Zarzycki, nineteenth-century Polish music, concert life

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Cited by

Muras, W. (2024). The Warsaw Music Society’s First Year of Activity. New Findings. Muzyka, 69(3), 103–126.


Wioleta Muras 

University of Wrocław Poland


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