The Slovak Composer Tadeaš Salva, Pupil of Bolesław Szabelski and Witold Lutosławski
Jolanta Guzy-Pasiak
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
This is a review of history’s first monograph dedicated to Slovak composer Tadeáš Salva (1937–95), listed among the leading figures of Czechoslovakia’s 1960s music avant-garde. Apart from outlining the musician’s biography, the author divides his output into periods (inspired by Mieczysław Tomaszewski’s concepts) and analyses Salva’s compositional procedures (on the basis of Jan Kapr’s methodology). The monograph includes a full catalogue of the composer’s works, a list of archival sources, a bibliography, and numerous illustrations.
Tadeáš Salva, Bolesław Szabelski, Witold Lutosławski, Slovak music, avant-garde, Polish school of composition, 'Warsaw Autumn' International Festival of Contemporary MusicReferences
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Jolanta Guzy-PasiakInstitute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
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