Katalog Rękopisów Biblioteki Narodowej, vol. 24, Archiwum Zygmunta Mycielskiego, vols. 1–2, ed. by Michał Klubiński, Warszawa 2017, 2022


Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


The review of two volumes of the catalogue of Zygmunt Mycielski's archive, published as vol. 24 of the 'Catalogue of manuscripts of the National Library', parts 1 and 2. Both volumes were edited by Michał Klubiński. Part 1 covers a collection of archival material donated to the National Library by Barbara and Jan Stęszewski, depositaries of the composer's legacy. Part 2 describes materials found unexpectedly in Zygmunt Mycielski's former flat in autumn 2019 and donated to the National Library by the composer's niece Zofia Mycielska-Golik. The catalogue is an invaluable tool for researching the extensive compositional and writing legacy of Zygmunt Mycielski.  


Zygmunt Mycielski, Zygmunt Mycielski’s archive, archives of Polish composers

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Cited by

Bolesławska-Lewandowska, B. (2023). Katalog Rękopisów Biblioteki Narodowej, vol. 24, Archiwum Zygmunta Mycielskiego, vols. 1–2, ed. by Michał Klubiński, Warszawa 2017, 2022 . Muzyka, 68(4), 139–145. https://doi.org/10.36744/m.2463


Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska 

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland


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