A Design for the Façade of the Jesuit Church in Płock by Giovanni Battista Gisleni
Stanisław Mossakowski
mossak@onet.plInstitute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
The recognition of the view of a church façade executed by Giovanni Battista Gisleni (1600–1672), a drawing held in the collections of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan (SM–1/3 b), as a design associated with the restructuring of the medieval collegiate of St. Michael in Płock being planned by the Jesuit Order.
Giovanni Battista Gisleni, Jesuit Order in Płock, foundations by Prince Charles Ferdinand Vasa (1615–1655)References
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Stanisław Mossakowskimossak@onet.pl
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
Stanisław Mossakowski (b. 1937), the former director of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, is a member of several Polish and international scientific societies (Ateneo Veneto in Venice, Accademia Clementina in Bologna, Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres in Paris and others). He specialises in the history of architecture and decorative sculpture, the role of antique tradition in art, links between the Polish and Italian art and artistic milieus, and the relationship between art history and the history of ideas.
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